miércoles, 22 de mayo de 2019

Trabajo en Tinder

Nada, le mandé un mail a Tinder tratando de conseguir trabajo y pensé ya que fue un esfuerzo patético y ridículo y que no me van a responder al menos puedo compartir ese mail gracioso donde me hago la simpática pero como si fuera esas personas que las empresas yanki les encanta descubrir que tienen ideas frescas que ni tienen título de nada y cuando les dan una oportunidad ven que booommm estuvieron listxs para ese momento toda su vida jajja nose si me salio bien pero el mail me da mucha gracia acá lo dejo para vuestro entretenimiento.

My name is Victoria, I'm 28 and I'm from Argentina and I'm a satisfied Tinder user.
Basically I'm reaching out to you cause I actually really like Tinder but I feel is a misinterpreted app in some ways and I have some ideas to make Tinder better.
Some ideas are about how to make the app better, just like suggestions and with zero programming knowledge but great intentions.
Other ideas, and I feel maybe more important, are marketing ideas for social media which would work perfectly I feel anywhere in the world as well as maybe even bring partnership opportunities for the brand, as my ideas are actually related to connecting people from different places through Tinder.
I know this sounds very professional and intriguing and you'd love to hear more about it so I will make my terms clear to whoever might be assessing my proposal:
I have no experience or education in community management, digital marketing or any field of marketing at all, tech or programming. My background is I am a media production, cinema and TV student in Cordoba, Argentina who consumes a good deal of TV and social media, enough to know my ideas are worth listening or else I wouldn't be sending this email making me sound like a Tinder groupie. Would be glad to be considered as an "intern" or just basically any kind of non paid worker as long as you like my ideas and whatever expenses come along with making any of it happens are covered by Tinder of course cause I'm from Argentina and that means I'm absolutely broke.
Just thought I can't lose anything with trying to reach out to you guys but seriously I think I'm on to something I'm just not a big influencer or else I might be trying it already without talking to you and just hope you'd discover me while amusing my many followers, who are like I said currently non existent and that's why I need your support to implement this killer ideas. Plus these ideas are really well thought in the sense that they would positively impact the view of people about Tinder and make it look like it's great to be just a little bit naughty without being slutty. Even though my personal use is to be slutty but I get it the world is conservative and you dont want to look like an orgy-inducing devil.
Sending you much love and lots of thanks for creating this app which I think is already changing people's views on being single but still has a lot more potential to change the way people relate entirely, and with the hope you might find my email endearing and maybe worthy of a shot,
The happy user


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